Saturday, February 10, 2024


As I was leaving for work, I could not find Persia. She has not been doing well, so I always wanted to see her before I left. I found her under my chair and she was fine. 

I walked outside and saw it was a beautiful morning. The horses were in the hay bale eating and Chloe the chicken was doing whatever it is she does over there with the horses. She is the only chicken brave enough to go hang out with them all day. It’s a funny sight. 

I left work late because it was a busy day. When I rounded the corner to come home, I had a bad feeling in my stomach. I got home and looked for Persia with the knot in my stomach growing. She was still under the chair. I picked her up from under the chair. I knew she did not want to come out. I got her out of there and laid her in the chair. She was taking her last few breaths. I knew it. I loved on her and petted her head. She passed away a few minutes later. Oreo and Bubba were right there with me and her. 

Ronnie got home a few minutes after she had passed away. We wrapped her in one of his favorite blankets and he buried her under the tree. I put a small bench under the tree. 

I am devastated to say the least. That cat has been with me for 14 years. She was the best cat and the first cat I ever owned. I knew she wasn’t doing well and I knew the time was limited. I knew in my gut it was coming. I prayed and asked God to please not make me make the decision, if it was His will to take her then to please take her. He did. It’s so difficult but I’m glad I was with her. She waited on me to get home to say goodbye. I’m grateful for that. She was so loved and she will be greatly missed. 

Regardless of what had occurred, we still had to go out and take care of the other animals. They are all doing okay. 
Noma was almost running toward me for food. She let me kiss her nose. That’s progress. 

As I was out feeding, I found an egg in with the coop chickens. I always tell them thank you when I get an egg from them. 

As I looked out past the barn, I noticed the reflective light off the sun that forms a halo. When I see those, I always feel God’s presence with me. I’m not sure why I do but I always have. I saw one tonight and thanked him for being with me. He is so good to me. 

Jelly was up on my car. I have not seen him to that before, but there he was. 

Bubba was looking for Persia in her spot which made me sad all over again. It’s heartbreaking for all of us. 

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