Sunday, February 18, 2024


Ronnie bought me chocolate covered strawberries and some tulips for Valentine’s Day. We don’t do much on Valentine’s Day. It’s just another day around here. 

Pete was braying at me today when I got home. He does not do that too much so it is entertaining when he does. I looked to see what was going on but I did not see anything out of the ordinary. 

Melody was trying to sit on some eggs and I had to put a stop to that. We cannot have anymore chickens. It’s already crazy around here. 

Melody is in the shop with the cats. I never really know if they are friends or not, but it looks like they leave a h other sine for the most part. 

Noma is still struggling with her fear. She did slow me to let her back and belly after a few attempts. 

Jelly was still looking mad tonight. I had to spray him with more antiseptic spray and he ran away from me. He is mad. He will get over it. 

Saverine let me love on her tonight. I had to go into the pasture to move the trough for their food. I had to crawl in and out of the fencing and she was looking at me like I had lost my mind. 

Cinderella is really showing that shining personality I knew was in her. She is precious. 

I gave Spam some petting. Gus got jealous and let me know about it, so I gave him a Valentine kiss on his little nose. 

The cows were being nice to each other and enjoying some green grass. 

Ursula was super cuddly tonight. She is the sweetest little thing. 

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