Saturday, February 10, 2024


Bella and Daisy found the hidden spot where the cats hide their ‘presents’. So gross. 

We had some visitors today. They all had a good time with the animals. One of them has read every book I have ever written and she said she was just in love with Gus and she had to meet him. She did and she loved him. It was such a good time. 

When our visitors were here, there was a storm rolling in and it was coming in fast. They left just in time for the sprinkling to start. 

The pasture goats started running at full speed toward the barn when the storm started coming in. It was like a warning for us and sure enough, it did not take long for the rain to pour. 
Not long after seeing the goats, I saw the donkeys running full speed to the barn. They do not care for getting wet. They got right into the barn and stayed there. 

The chickens did not really want to eat, they all stayed close to the shelters to avoid getting rained on. I didn’t blame them. 

The horses all did not care about the rain, except for Chief. He did not want to get wet and he went into the barn. 

The cows stayed in the rain. They did not care at all about the rain. 

We did end up having some thunderstorms. They last a while. 

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