Sunday, February 18, 2024


Poor Pepper is not feeling well today. She is having some stomach trouble. I had to clean her up and the floor. I feel bad for her. She is also not doing too well. She is getting confused and having more trouble getting around also. She was mad at me for having to clean her up. 

Bubba did a crazy thing today. He was biting the edge of a 12 pack of Coke and somehow bit through to a can and put a hole in it. There was Coke everywhere. It was not fun to clean that up. 

Snowflake was still on some eggs. I had to reach in and get them. She did peck me several times. It was not pleasant. I got the eggs from her though. She was mad enough she stayed where she was. 

Daisy found one of Noma’s hoof pieces that was cut off. She was chewing on it. She decided not to eat so she could chew on that and so Bella was stuck with running back and forth protecting both of their feed from the chickens. 
The donkeys and goats decided to eat the chicken feed and they basically were blocking the walk way, but I got around them. 

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