Tuesday, January 11, 2022


It was the first day of the new year. What could go wrong?? Plenty of things, but I was working on not worrying and being more positive, until a certain moment. Ronnie and I were working hard and it was getting cold. I see something I was not expecting. I saw some trash next to the fence. It looked like it could have been some kind of donut wrapper made with plastic that you could get at a gas station. I was busy with unloading stuff and so was Ronnie. I then saw Red grab that wrapper and started eating it. I started running toward Red. I got through the gate and start running toward Red. Probably not the best idea to run into a group of donkeys that are all after the same thing. I was surrounded by them all and still out of reach of the wrapper. I had to get out of the way because the donkeys could feel my stress in that moment. Red ate the wrapper. It was gone. The vet was unavailable and my positive attitude was no where to be found. I was terrified he was going to end up with a blockage. We fed more hay due to the cold weather and hoping Red would eat enough to pass that wrapper. The stress was doing me no good. Stress hurts us. I needed to find a way to deal with this new stress I had. I started to pray about Red. Some may think I was stressing for no reason, but for me, this was a big deal. Being stressed did not help. Poor Red. I was nervous during this time. Red did not seem stressed or nervous, so why was I?? 

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