Saturday, August 17, 2024


We have company coming today, so Ronnie and I were busy cleaning and doing all our normal chores before company arrived. 
One of the cows decided to beat the heat in the pen. The door was opened of course, but he was comfortable there. 

I saw Jeb over making friends with a neighbor’s cow for a few minutes while I was taking out the trash. 

Yeller and Athena were hanging out on the front porch this morning since it was so hot out already. 

Ronnie got outside with his rain stick. We need rain so badly right now. It is so hot outside.

There are not too many trees around, but the horses were staying under one to stay out of the direct sun. I do hate it for them. I know they have to be hot. 

I watched a bird eating some of the fruit off a cactus or something. I have never witnessed something like that. I did have to look for the bird to see what it was. I do not know why since I do not know one bird from another. 

I called for Jeb and he came right on over. Chief finally did come over also. I was able to give them some much needed attention. They are so sweet. 

Yeller and Onyx was out today in the front of the house staying cooler. Those two love each other. I am glad of that. 

The pigs were under their sunshade staying as cool as possible. Y’all, it is so hot out. 

It was so hot out even the donkeys were in the barn to stay out of the heat. The goats were half way in the barn. Except Hercules, he had to eat the chicken feed. 

The chickens were even playing in the cold water coming from the faucet. 

My family arrived. My sister, brother in law, and my nephew. It is so good to see them here in Texas. We had dinner and then me, my sis, and nephew went out to see all the animals. Tanner wanted to hunt for eggs. I had left the eggs alone so he could do that. He did find some. That is always fun watching him look for them. Hercules gave them some attention. I did see the 4 baby chicks running around. They got to pet the sheep. Mattie and Willow gave them so much attention. Noma even came up to my sister. That is a huge thing. She came up to me after that. It made my heart so happy. Jasper has not wanted any attention in a long time, but he walked up to my sister. That made me happy, too. Mattie and Willow followed us to the pig pen. The pigs gave Tanner some attention. I do love to watch these animals interacting with other people. It’s what we do here. The horses came over to see the new people. Lacey got to watch the West Texas sunset. The moon was beautiful, too. 

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