Saturday, August 17, 2024


The horses sure looked happy this morning. The weather was a little cooler this morning. I am glad they had a little reprieve from the heat. 

I watched Athena walking across the pasture this morning. She almost blends in with the dead grass everywhere. It made me laugh. 

Today is also International Cat Day. Who knew?

There is an excessive heat warning today. I am surprised it is just today. It is awful. I am glad I did make it home to help feed since it was so hot out today. 

The animals seem to be hanging in there even though it is hot. I know we have done everything we can for them. 

I did notice Fred has some kind of weird growth on his comb. I have never seen anything like that. 

All the cats were out in the front of the house to stay cool. 

I saw the donkey enjoying the pasture. That makes me happy.

I did call out to Jasper, and he turned and looked at me. At least he knows his name. 

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