Saturday, August 24, 2024


I made it home in time to feed the animals and help Ronnie. It has been so hot outside the last couple of weeks. It is just brutal out there. I hate it. The animals hate it. The dogs get fed quickly and then they go back inside. 

Carlos ate chicken feed out of my hand. Those goats love that corn. I am not sure what it is about that chicken feed, but they do. 

The donkey whisperer came by and had that halter off Pete in about 3 minutes. I do not know how he does it, but he does. Pete was glad to get out of the pen and the halter off. He took his time reuniting with his friends, but he finally did make it back to them. Of course the other animals took him back into the herd without any problems. 

I did catch Mattie trying to eat from the goat trough. Luckily he could not make his head in there to get the goat feed. 

It is so hot outside. It is not fun for any of us. 

The goats decided to lick on that mineral block since it was thrown back into the pen since it got out of the pen somehow. 

I did get to spray the horses down. All of them. Saverine needed some coaxing and Ronnie got her over to me to spray her down. She refuses to go close to Jeb, so she does not get to get sprayed down as often. It was so hot out, so it was necessary. 

I did not realize Saverine had been injured, but somehow she has been. Her eye was messed up and she has scratches on her. She will be okay, but she looked rough when I saw her. 

The pigs are doing well with all the mud they have. The donkeys were watching them which always cracks me up. 

Patsy did do some throwing up. Pigs are not supposed to throw up. I do think she ate too fast which is what caused it. She acted fine, but I will be checking on her the next few days to make sure she is okay. 

The cats were all home today. 

I saw Sterling again today. He saw me and ran off. That is not shocking. 

The blue moon was pretty coming up tonight. 

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