Saturday, August 17, 2024


My family got here in the morning. It was already a hot day. Lacey got to see all the dogs outside. It was so hot when we let them in, Maggie decided to lay across the water bowl. I had to laugh about that one. I had not see her do that before. The cats were all in front of the house staying cooler. 

Later in the day, we took them to Lake JB Thomas. I had been there, but not in the summer. It was a fun little outing. 

In the evening, I tried to convince Tanner to reach in and get the eggs from under the chickens. It took a long time to convince him, but he finally did it. He did get pecked. I did feel bad about it afterward, but I did laugh in the moment. He was able to run a chicken out of the goat shelter, but he was scared. He helped us feed the animals and water them. It was so sweet of him to help us. 

Tanner, Lacey, and Tyler did get to see the pasture donkeys. Those donkeys are so loved by everyone. My sister is not used to the dry heat and ended up passing out. I never thought I would see that. She was okay though. 
The night was pretty. The donkeys were all in drinking some water as the night came in. I do like my life. It is different all the time. 

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