Saturday, August 17, 2024


I went out this morning and noticed my shop chickens were out of the shop. I was glad to see that. It is too hot in there whether they think it is or not. 

We had a guy here today helping with halters on our two problem donkeys, they really are not problems, they are just scared. They have always been scared. I watched this guy with those donkeys and he is like the donkey whisperer. he is amazing with those donkeys. He even was able to do some chiropractic things to Noma and she straightened up as soon as he was finished. Her ears were even up. The whole thing was just amazing to watch. 

The horses were out and about this morning before it got unbearably hot outside. 

Mattie and Willow are still mad about Noma being in the pen. It is only for a day.

The goats were trying to play with Mattie and Willow. That is cute. 

The cows decided to stay in the pen for most of the day out of the sun and heat. 

Noma did let me pet her a bit. She is not too happy, but she will feel better tomorrow, I think.

Tinkerbelle and Cinderella still like their sunshade. They were staying under there to stay out of the sun. I am so glad we have those. They are a life saver.

I cleaned out the pig pen. Treat was not too happy about it. She was staying out of the sun. The others were not too happy about it either, but that is okay. I got to give Brutus some belly rubs. I sure do love that pig. Patsy was hanging out in the mud trying to stay cool. Those pigs do what they can to stay cooler. 

Noma is doing okay with the sheep. She stayed under the fan. 

The cats were yet again in the front of the house. 

Pete is not happy in the pen on his own. He is braying more than I have ever heard before. The other donkeys did decide to go out into the pasture without him. I was shocked. I did get to pet Pete for a few minutes. 

The little goats all shared their bowl today in the shade to eat.

Noma and the sheep shared a meal. That is something. 

The pigs were all okay this evening even though it was so unbearably hot outside. 

It is all okay. The day has been weird, but I know things will be back to somewhat normal after the farrier comes tomorrow. 

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