Saturday, August 17, 2024


We went into town and did some shopping on the town square and then had some lunch. We tried to keep Lacey out of the heat. 

When it was time to go back to the house, we stayed inside to keep cool as long as possible. 
We did go out to feed. Lacey got to see the horses. They were loving on her. It is so sweet to watch those horses with people. Tanner got to go in the donkey, goat barn and pet on Hercules. He helped us feed and water again. I like he likes to help so much. It teaches responsibility. I did try to redeem myself and help Tanner not be afraid of chickens. Wheezy is a docile chicken, so I picked her up and let him pet her. He was not too afraid after that. 

I decided to worm the pigs and Tanner was able to help me. I mixed up some walnuts and some pumpkin and then added wormer to each spoonful. Tanner was able to help with Gus, Treat, and Spam. I did not want him to get hurt, so I did the other 6 pigs, but Tanner was in there with us. He was interested in what we were doing. 

The cows were hanging out under the fan or that generally area. I know they are hot. 

We went to DQ for dinner so Tanner could get some ice cream. It has been such a great visit. 

Maggie got too hot and I had to carry her inside the house. Poor girl. I hate it. 

Onyx loves Pepper so much. She will just sit there with her. It is so cute. 

I sure do have some bruises from being pecked by the chickens. No wonder Tanner was concerned about getting pecked. 

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