Saturday, August 24, 2024


The farrier came today to see Pete and Noma. Noma did a little better and her feet look so much better. Pete was still a rodeo king. He got his feet trimmed anyway. His feet look better. We left them both in the pen for the day to let the drugs wear off. For some reason we left Pete’s halter on him, so later we were out trying to get the halter off, but it was too hot for all of that. Our donkey whisperer will have to come get the halter off of him tomorrow. 

While Noma was drugged, I decided to take advantage of that and went out to pet on her and love on her. She still did not love that, but she did not try to run away. It was nice to be able to pet her. 

Oreo is one funny cat. He knows he does not want to go outside, but he will watch what is going on from window. I find that funny. 

Once Pete was finished with his trim, Red had stayed by the fence, but the rest of the herd started running toward the corral. Pete looked so upset, but he was better when his friends were around him. I love how they love each other. 

Willow and Mattie stayed by Noma in the pen with the sheep. They do love their mom. They all have such a bond and it is nice to witness it. 

The sheep were entertained by Noma being in the pen with them. However, they did get some calming meds while they were stealing her food, so they were calm when Noma was getting her feet done. 

Later I let Noma out of the pen and she was happy to get out of there.

The moon is going to be full tomorrow. 

The cats were all home tonight. I look for that every night. 

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