Saturday, January 15, 2022

So Worried

I had been so worried about Red. I was constantly checking on his whereabouts and even checking poop after the eating of the plastic wrapper. I prayed and prayed. We fed more hay due to the weather being cold and hoping that would help so he would not have a blockage. I had called the vet and they told me to watch him closely. My vet was out with covid but gave me some other vets names and numbers that could come to the house in case of emergency. I watched that donkey like a hawk. He was still grazing and didn’t act sick. This was day 4 after the incident. I didn’t want anything to go wrong and if it did I wanted to make sure at the first sign I could get the vet out there. I would watch and watch. He still wasn’t acting sick and the worrying made me sick. I needed to trust he would be okay. That’s hard for me. We have had Red here almost a year now and he is part of the family. Ronnie wasn’t worried. Donkeys are foragers so he figured Red would be fine. I was doubtful. I continued to worry and stress. Red got so much attention and he did not mind that. 

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