Saturday, January 15, 2022

Tattle Tale

At night, we let the dogs in to sleep in the house. That keeps them comfortable and it keeps them from barking all night long outside. Daisy is a mess. She likes things a certain way. When those things are not that certain way, she will bark until she gets them the way she wants it. Usually that includes one of the dogs being in her spot. She wants to sleep in a certain spot by Bella and if one of the other dogs is in her spot, well, none of us get any peace. She tattle tales like a kid. It’s funny to me but gets on Ronnie’s nerves. She is just like a kid. I mean, finding your inner kid isn’t a bad thing, but when it’s late and everyone is tired, it can get trying. At this point, I don’t think things will change much with Daisy. She will always have that inner puppy and she uses it to her advantage. 

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