Wednesday, August 11, 2021

A Cuddly Cat

 Since I came home from Arkansas, Persia has been the most cuddly cat. She isn’t normally that cuddly. I mean, she does like to sit beside me or in my lap occasionally, but the morning I left, I woke up and she was between my arms. She also tried to hide in my bag I was taking. Now that I’m home, this cat has to be right next to me. I mean, I was only gone a couple of days. I guess she does not like it when I am gone. Poor thing has slipped inside the closet while I am in there and got locked in, luckily I realized she was missing before she was I there a long time. I heard her crying the other day and she had slipped inside the bathroom when I wasn’t looking and got locked in there. She has to be in the same room with me when I’m home. She really has been funny since I got back. Not sure how long this will go on, but it’s been a week and a half and she is still acting all cute and cuddly. 

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