Saturday, August 21, 2021

Ethel’s New Place

 Let’s talk about Ethel again. Yesterday Ethel was still in the goat pen that morning and evening. Ronnie and I ran to the feed store to get some feed and some hay. When we came back, she was still there. I thought about leaving her there, but I knew it wouldn’t last and there was a storm coming. I did not want her caught out in it with no where to go. Yes, I over think, but I also know these animals pretty well. So, I went to pick her up and she tried to run from me. Poor girl. I caught her after a couple of minutes and yet again, she then just put her head on my shoulder. I had bought some chopped straw and had found one of our dog houses and put all of that together for her in the chicken coop so I could lock her in for her protection. It had been suggested to get some babies so she wouldn’t get lonely but they only had one kind at the store and decided against it. I put her on the straw next to the dog house, filled up the water and I had bought her a treat for her to eat. She wasn’t real sure about what was going on but once she was on the straw, she relaxed. That relaxation sis not last long because she could see the goats, donkeys, and other chickens that all live in the barn. She was tense. But, I think she figured out they could not get in and relaxed a bit. I was happy she was getting some peace. She needed it. She has not been eating much, she did eat a few bites of her little treat from the feed store but didn’t eat much. It’s something though and that’s a little progress. 

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