Sunday, August 15, 2021


 Oh that Jelly, he is a sneaky little thing. I noticed not long ago he had a cut beneath one of his eyes. It looked like when Earl was attacked but not as bad. I figured he got it one night out close to a momma hen. A couple days later, Ronnie said Jelly had been under the tractor during the day which is weird because he only goes out at night. Ronnie told me to think about that for a minute. It was like a lightbulb went off, I said oh, that’s where Edith and her chicks are quite often. He just shook his head. I guess he did get attacked by a momma hen. He is sneaky for sure, but he hasn’t done anymore of that. I sure do love that crazy cat. I was so worried about him when he got here but he seems like he is doing really well. 

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