Tuesday, August 17, 2021


 Well, I think I can safely say, Peanut Butter and Jelly have decided the shop is their home. Now that they are here, Earl has spent more time in the shop with them. After Rona disappeared, Earl roamed around most of the time and did not stay in the shop much. Now he is in there a lot. I know they all go out at night but I do not think they go far which helps me not to worry about them. It could be 2 out of the 3 being attacked my a momma hen, but whatever it is, I’m grateful these cats are here. I will admit, my heart was broken for Earl after Rona disappeared and he was so lonely, that’s why I adopted these other two. They are all getting along great. I couldn’t find any cats and then for some reason these two came up on something I was looking at and I adopted them that day. They look for me and I make sure to give them attention several times a day so they know where they belong. They seem happy here and that makes me happy. 

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