Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Difficult Times

 So, last weekend, I ran back home to see my family since my grandpa has been in the hospital a few times in the last few months. It’s so hard to not be with them, but Ronnie and I have made a good life in Texas. It’s hard though when you make quick decisions, but you have to think about the animals and we both couldn’t go. I know I have several people here that would take care of these animals, but I hate to drop it in someone’s lap as quick as I got out of town. It was a good trip and I’m very glad I went. Ronnie stayed home with the animals. I sure did miss my husband and the animals, but they were all good. The morning I left for a few days, I went around and checked all the animals before I left. I may sound crazy, but they are like my children. I had a good time but I am glad to be home with the animals. Keep my family in your prayers, my grandpa is back in the hospital. Hopefully he will be released soon. 

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