Sunday, August 22, 2021

Sun Shades

 Where we lived in Arkansas, the pig pens were covered with shade. Here, not so much. I bought some sun shades for the pigs. I went out today to clean the pen and I really noticed how much the pigs were enjoying the sun shades. They like the sun at times and the mud hole at times and the sun shade at times. I think they are happy. We are going to build more areas for them so we can separate some of them to make them even happier. I know they are fine together but I think they will be better if we separate them like we had them back home. Gus, Treat, and Spam in one. Darla and Russ in another. Brutus, Patsy, pork Chop and Bacon Bit in the other. For now, they are living together just fine. 

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