Saturday, August 21, 2021

Have We Learned Our Lesson

 Let’s just get it over with and say no we haven’t. While the kids were here, we let the cows out to graze. We do that often. Jeb does like to chase them though so we watch closely to what’s happening. I don’t know what was happening but one minute the cows are hanging out under the lean to and the next minute Jasper is in the pen and Alex is desperate to find him. He is frantically mooing and is on the opposite side of the fence. We were trying to direct him back to Jasper and it wasn’t going well with the herding. Then Jeb wants to chase him. It’s chaos all at once. Jasper is mooing, Alex is mooing. Finally we start chasing… what happens when you chase them?? They will keep running. See, we know that but I guess we just do it anyway. After awhile, we finally get Alex in the pen with Jasper where they hang out by the fans. There was a lot going on in that little bit of time. Alex didn’t know Jodie and Braiden and Jeb just wanted to play. Alex was stressed. Even more so when he was being chased. But, he was back in. And, now, ever since that day, they have escaped 3 or 4 times because they love it. They don’t go anywhere except to graze so we aren’t worried about it. It’s just Jeb being so much bigger than than them and they get nervous. They sure are cute. 

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