Saturday, August 21, 2021

Hercules’ Horn

 Oh Hercules. I am not sure what happened when he was younger, if someone tried to dehorn him or if his horns just grow different. He has one that grown rounded and it goes back into his head. Last year, my cousin was able to trim it up. Ronnie and I decided to do it ourselves this year. It was looking to start growing back into his head again. I bought a wire saw and Ronnie and I got to work. I sawed for awhile on the horn while Ronnie held Hercules which is not an easy task and then we switched. Hercules does not make things easy, ever. He fought the entire time. But, we finally got it done. Luckily the horn had not caused any wounds and he felt better right after. It was close though, if we had waited much longer, we probably would have had a nasty wound on his head. The goat’s name before we got him was Rascal if that tells you anything. He is a mess. Since he has been fixed, he is much easier to het along with, but he is still a mess. But, I love him and that’s what matters. 

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