Saturday, August 21, 2021

Ethel’s Next Morning

 I go out this morning to check on Ethel. She seemed to be doing fine. She was still hanging out in the straw. I didn’t mess with her except to throw some grain in there for her to eat, which she didn’t eat. I went to check on her later and realized the babies would have been a bad idea. Edith’s babies went in the coop and Edith couldn’t get in there, Ethel was trying to hide in the dog house so she wouldn’t get hurt. It was a sad thing to see. She looked scared. She would hop through the coop to try to get away from them. I guess it’s good we didn’t get any. A little while later, she was still sitting on the straw and had not eaten. I brought out some corn and that girl got up and hopped over to eat. She did not eat much, but again, anything is better than nothing. She does not look good and I am not sure she will make it, but for now, she is in a secure place and is alone and seems to be okay with it. The other chickens she can see from the coop. She can see the donkeys and goats also so she isn’t really alone. They all sleep across the wall from her. As long as she is fighting to live, I am going to help her. I hate this part of having all of these animals, but that’s part of it. I’m hoping this will help her for now. 

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