Sunday, August 15, 2021

Jail Break

 Cracker Jack had been in the pen for a few days. He was getting tired of being in there. Not only was he tired of it but Jeb and Noma were tired of it. Jeb would pull on the chain to the lock to try to get Cracker Jack out of there. The only reason he was in there to begin with was to stay in the pen by the fans to keep the flies off of him. I still cannot believe he is allergic to flies. We thought we could keep him in there to keep him doctored with fly spray. Nope. He wasn’t having it. He snuck out when the gate opened. The funny thing is, now every once in awhile he wants back in. Fall is coming so hopefully the flies will leave soon. Cracker Jack is still all cut up and I hate it for him. But, he hates being penned up so what do you do?? 

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