Sunday, August 15, 2021

Out of the Shop

 Peanut Butter and Jelly are some really great cats. They only come out of the shop at night, usually, if they do at all. The other day, I was standing in the doorway of the shop. Peanut Butter follows me around the shop and followed me right out the shop door. Then he stood there looking around and looked up at me and ran back into the shop. I’m not sure if the dogs or the chickens scared him or what but he went back into the shop and was peeking around the door. He is so funny. I did see Jelly out before dark the other day in the goat pen. He saw me and ran back in the shop. I find it funny but they can go out whenever they want to, but don’t for some reason. The way their story went before I adopted them from the shelter was that they lived in a room together and didn’t get much attention. They both like attention and have come out of their shells. I’m so happy to have them here. 

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