Sunday, August 8, 2021

Vet Visit

 Allergies have been going on something fierce around here for Cracker Jack. Poor guy. It’s only gotten worse. He has been so itchy and scratching on everything, including barbed wire. He has been torn up by all the scratching. I have felt horrible for him. I called the vet out. Cracker Jack had to get in the pen with the cows, he hated that but it was necessary. The vet came out to assess him. I could not believe what she told me. Cracker Jack is allergic to flies. She gave it a name but I don’t remember it. The only thing she could do was give steroids but we decided against that due to him already being overweight and the possibility of the steroids making him lame. I’m not going to do that to him. We got the spray for him to help with the flies. She also had an allergy pills called into the pharmacy. That was an experience, going into the pharmacy for my donkey’s pills. I’m lucky the girl that was there knew what I was talking about with the meds. I had no clue what the name was under or the birthdate but we got it figured out. Cracker Jack hates to be sprayed but he is healing up, slowly but he is. I mean, who would have thought our donkey was allergic to flies. Luckily he is getting better. 

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