Sunday, August 15, 2021

Update on Cracker

 Cracker Jack is still roaming and still scratching. He seems better since we have been spraying him down with skin so soft. Poor guy, I hate to see him so scarred up. I know we are doing what we can but it doesn’t cure it. Cracker Jack seems kind of miserable and I’m sure he is. I know once the weather changes, he will be okay. He still gets chased by Jeb because he just wants to play. He is now being spoiled and eating out of his own bowl. He has fewer cuts but a few new ones. Cracker Jack is a beautiful boy. He is sweet and wants to be loved. I’m ready for the weather to change to give him some much needed relief. Bless his heart. He was miserable in Arkansas but not like here in Texas with the flies. 

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