Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Chick update

 For those of you that do not know, Suzie Q and Edith hatched out 8 chicks. They are the cutest things running around here. I definitely don’t want to get too close to them since me, Earl, and Jeb have all been attacked by at least one of the hens. The poor little goats have been attacked by them also come to think of it. Those mommas are protective of those babies. So far all 8 of them are still doing well and I hope it stays that way. The mommas are taking them all over the place and none of the other animals have tried to bother them. It’s kind of funny when the chicks get on one side of the fencing and the hen is on the other. They go crazy. They are eating well as far as I can see. They are growing so fast. It’s amazing to watch them in their natural habitat. I know we raised a bunch of chicks earlier this year, but this is different. They have their mommas to teach them. I’m sure they will not be that friendly since the hens are not, but what’s 8 more chickens. They are fun to have out here and I enjoy watching them. I do hope they do okay out here. 

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