Saturday, August 21, 2021


 About the same time as the cow incident, Edith lost her baby chickens. I think maybe with the chaos she somehow got separated from them. I don’t know where or how. All I can see is her running around, squawking. She was all over the place. I had seen a hawk a few minutes before and Ronnie had seen it, too. I sure had hoped the hawk didn’t get the babies. As we are trying to get Alex back in the pen, I happened to look over in the goat pen and there sat all 3 of Edith’s babies. They were patiently waiting for her to find them. When she did finally hear them chirping to her, she ran over and got into the goat pen with them. It really was a sight to see. A mother’s love is like no other. Those babies know that. Luckily they were reunited and went on their way of looking for food. 

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