Sunday, August 29, 2021


 We got the barn up!! I am so excited about the barn!! I know it might sound silly to some, but I am so grateful for it. After what we went through here in February, we are going to be better prepared this year if it happens again. Yes, there is still work to be done like building stalls and putting up doors to the barn, but we have it. These animals are already starting to check it out so they won’t be afraid of it when winter comes. Noma isn’t sure but she took a nap in it half in and half out. Jeb walks through there often and Cracker Jack has been seen in it. I doubt we get more animals before winter but if we do, we have the barn. We have a barn in the other pasture that needs some work and we will be working on that as well for the 4 donkeys and 3 goats over there. All of our younger chickens roost in there also so it will be good to get it fixed up. I’m so happy they will have somewhere to go this winter. Last winter was brutal here with the ice storm. This barn makes me extremely happy. 

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