Tuesday, August 17, 2021


 I thought I would go look in the barn last week to see if any eggs were there. I got a surprise. There were 2 small piles of eggs. The eggs were small so I knew the babies we had that weren’t really babies anymore had started laying eggs. They had buried some of them, some were really small and some were cracked. I didn’t know how long they had been out there so I decided it was best to throw them away. Now I look everyday and I’m only getting 2 a day but I know it’s only a matter of time before we have a lot of eggs. We may already but I haven’t found any other piles. These guys are definitely free roaming and they roam far compared to the older chickens so if there is a pile, it could be anywhere. I was shocked when I

saw how small those eggs were and still are, but that also will change. So, we will be having lots of eggs soon after a long time without. We don’t eat them here though, so I will be back in the giving eggs away soon. 

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