Sunday, August 29, 2021


 I have been upset with Edith but shouldn’t be since I have no control over nature. That hen knows what she is doing. I don’t have to know. I’ve been mad since she left her chicks. But, I think I was wrong to be mad at her. I sat back and watched her tonight. She didn’t leave her babies, she is teaching them. She is watching them closely from a distance. I watched as the chicks were in the backyard tonight. Edith was hidden in some tall grass watching them. I also noticed her watching them as they were in the goat pen. I saw them get to close and she didn’t want them to see her so she ran off. I think she is watching from a distance to make sure they are okay on their own. I don’t know if she would step in or not if there was a problem but after watching her tonight, I think she would. I take back being mad at her. 

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