Sunday, August 22, 2021

Branching Out

 Oh Jelly, he has decided to branch out of the shop more. It’s not like he is stuck in there, any of them can leave at any time. Peanut Butter is always trying to go out the front doors but then something, not sure if it’s the dog inside the fence away from the front doors or the chickens that hang out around the shop, but he always runs back in. I was out back yesterday and I saw Jelly just hanging out. He was out by the tractor and then he decided he would go back into the shop but he was going to go through the window and then stopped… he saw the dogs, again they are in a fence away from where the cats are. He walked away from there and went back the other way quickly. He went back into the goat pen and slid in the shop under the back of the shop. It was pretty funny to watch. Earl roams the property just fine and comes in and out when he wants to. I’m just glad they are all doing fine and happy. 

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