Sunday, April 17, 2022

95 Degrees and Mud

Well, it got hot around here for a day or two. One thing about pigs you have to know is they have to have water not only to drink but for them to cool off. It’s important for their health. It was 95 degrees the other day. I made sure the pigs had water. They have made themself a hole in the ground, just like they did last year. They will dump out their drinking water just to have water to wallow in. I dumped a bunch of water into their mud hole when it was so hot. The pigs love to be in the mud. It makes them happy. It makes me happy to be able to watch them in the mud. The mud hole makes the weather bearable for them. We have sunshades for them and they have their shelters in the shade so they can be cooler. It’s the little things for them that make them happy. 

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