Sunday, April 17, 2022

Back Up

Oh, this is an incredible one. If you have followed this blog at all over the years, you know about Pete. Pete is Noma’s son that came here with her. Neither of them are friendly and they have been here for over a year. We have both worked so hard at getting them to be friendly but everything we have tried has not worked. It breaks my heart to think about what could have happened to them to be so fearful of humans. I mean they are terrified. It’s truly awful. I’m not giving up though. I know it takes time. They both see us with the other animals and how we love on them and treat them well, but it does not matter. I was at the fence with Red and Ned the other day. Pete was standing there. When I went to try to pet him like I always do, he flinched, like he always does. He then turned his back to me. I know not to stand behind an animal in case they decide to kick. However, there was a fence between us and I did not stand directly behind him. I started to pet him on his back. He did not move. That’s progress. It gets better. When I stopped petting, he actually backed up toward me to get more petting. And then did the same thing again. This went on about 10 minutes. I was so thrilled. He would even look back at me like he was enjoying the pets. See, there is still hope. I’m not giving up. I’m determined. 

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