Sunday, April 17, 2022

Making Friends

The cows are trying to make friends. They don’t really care for Cracker Jack. Well, that might not be true. I think they try to make friends with Cracker Jack but Cracker Jack wants no part in it so the cows end up chasing him. It is getting better though. The cows are hanging out with Pedro quite a bit. The cows are making friends with the donkeys and goats. They are making friends with the sheep and the little goats. They are even hanging out with the horses while a fence is between them. They are visiting Mattie and Noma while they are in the pen. My goal there is after the donkeys are fixed, to open up the fencing and let them all roam on several more acres than they are now. That is so we can let grass grow in the areas that are getting over grazed. That way they all have pasture to graze and we won’t have to get so much hay for them. It’s not that we can’t get the hay, but if we can let them graze, it will be better. This is a peaceful place and it seems like the animals all want to be together and live together in peace. That is what I want for them. 

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