Sunday, April 17, 2022

That was Close

I am a smart person, most of the time. After seeing we had chicks, I wanted to see them, closely. Yeah, that’s never a good idea and I’m fully aware of that. I was attacked by a chicken with babies last year. However, apparently I did not care, or thought it wouldn’t happen again. I decided since this hen, I will name her Josephine. She had her babies up against the back steps. That is not a good spot. She was right in the sun with those babies. I don’t know when the last time she ate or drank anything was since I have no idea where she hatched all those babies. I brought out the food and water. She ate and drank and so did the chicks. She then was trying to hide them under our goat statue. I hated that. I brought the doghouse around and she went in but the babies did not follow so they went to the side in the shade. I guess I bothered her enough and she decided to leave the area. I was watching and the chicks were getting too far behind so I was trying to help. I knew the minute that hen turned around squawking and opening her wings I was in trouble. Yes, she chased me and got close to getting to me. I have left her alone, sort of. I’m staying far from her but I’m watching close. I just feel bad. When Edith and Suzie Q sat on eggs, they did it together and then raised them together while they were small like these are. I know they grow fast so I’m hoping they all make it. We will see what happens. 

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