Saturday, April 30, 2022

Have a Feeling…

I have this strange feeling that I have many broody hens and they are hiding their eggs. I do know the weather around here has changed and sometimes that slows them down, but I feel like I’m missing some and have no idea where to even look. I have been finding eggs in weird places that I don’t normally look. I’m trying to find them all. I have enough chickens, that I can promise you. I do love having them out here but I don’t really need anymore. I also read somewhere that a lot of the chicks hatched on a farm are roosters. I don’t know if that’s true or not but last year we had several eggs hatch and I believe we ended up with 9 chicks and 4 of them were roosters. I just have this feeling that I’m about to have more chicks. I guess we will see. 

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