Thursday, April 14, 2022

Suzie Q

Gloria has been hiding and Edith is in the chicken coop. Those two are the favorite chickens. Well now that those two are out of their grasp, Suzie Q is the favorite. Suzie Q was missing feathers and started looking rough. Ronnie brought it to my attention and so I started chasing her. She gave me a really good workout. Those chickens have some fight in them. She ran around for what seemed like an hour. It probably wasn’t that long but I chased her in and out of pens, around the pasture. She was not giving up. Somehow I caught her. When I did she tried to fight for a few minutes and then she relaxed. I got her in the chicken coop with Edith. Those two are friends so it was all good. They are doing well in the coop together. I’m letting Suzie Q heal for a while. 

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