Sunday, April 17, 2022

Worming Pigs

It was time to worm the pigs. They don’t hate it. I mix their wormer with pumpkin and I feed it to them from a spoon. They will fight over it so it is an easy thing to do. It’s easy for all of them but Bacon Bit. I have not been able to worm her. She is terrified of Gus. After working them, it is now a priority to get Gus, Treat, and Spam another pen built and get them out of there. They need to be in a pen on their own so I can actually work with them and the other pigs. It will happen. I’m working on it. I feel bad for Bacon Bit. Gus is a bully. Getting him in another pen with the other pigs he is bonded to will help a great deal for all of them. 

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