Saturday, April 30, 2022

The Adventures of The Wayward Farms

I may have the best story yet from Wayward Farms right here. Ronnie left this morning to go get our weekly feed for all the animals. I stayed home to finish cleaning the house. I was still cleaning when Ronnie got home. I got a text that said to come outside. I figured he needed help unloading. When I walked outside, he told me to look in the bed of the truck under his tool box. You will not believe what was in the back of the truck. It was one of our chickens!! Apparently this chicken decided she wanted to take a trip this morning. Ronnie said after he got to the store and purchased the feed and was loading the feed into the truck was when he noticed her. He said she got up and was looking around and he told her to get back in her hole until they got home and she did it. He said she looked confused when she got up out of where she was and he was more shocked when he told her to get back where she was and she did that. He said there was a lady in the parking lot watching and videoing the whole thing. That chicken was still in the bed of the truck when he got back. She got out of there quickly when she realized she was home. Have you ever heard of such a thing?? The chicken took a trip to town. There is never a dull moment here. 

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