Sunday, April 17, 2022

Halter Fail Feels like Deja Vu

Mattie is such a good little guy. He is usually so friendly. Well, I got him a halter to start working with him on halter training so we don’t have problems later on. I brought out the halter and he was not having it. He fought me on the halter. He even tried to kick me. He was not going to let me get that halter on. After a little while of trying, I decided to stop messing with him. Poor guy was not happy. I will have to try again. He is mad at me and won’t have anything to do with me right now. Hopefully he will get over it soon. It does feel like deja vu, this has happened before with the four other donkeys we have which is why they are not fixed yet. They fought and they were much bigger than Mattie is. I will try again. I cannot let him be like them. 

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