Sunday, April 24, 2022

Another Egg Story

So, I usually give away the eggs we have here. I took 6 1/2 dozen to work to try to give away. We can’t use all of those in a timely manner by any means. I could give them back to the chickens to eat for protein and calcium, sometimes we do that, but that’s a lot of eggs. Anyway. I had a couple of dozen for a girl at work who asked for some. As I’m in the morning meeting, one of the ladies asked me for 5 dozen. I smirked, she got 5 dozen a few weeks ago to help her garden. I said, well I have 4 1/2 dozen in my office if you want them. She seemed excited about that. She needed to do some baking for a funeral that week. Mission accomplishment with the eggs. I keep hearing, you need to sell them. I probably do to help pay for cartons and feed but it feels better to give them away. 

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