Saturday, April 2, 2022

Poor Abigail

I went home to check on my sick chicken. This is day three of her not being well. I found her in the barn. She was too weak to run far from me. I picked her up and took her to the chicken coop and locked the door. I went back in the house and got a syringe. I got a little wormer. I filled up a container of food and water. I went over and picked her up and started using a syringe to get water down her. I knew she had to be miserable. I got quite a bit of water down her. She got agitated and I put her down. When I came back, she was in the laying box and so I grabbed some food and started hand feeding her. She was able to eat. She jumped down and started eating and drinking on her own and her mouth was closed. That’s encouraging. Here’s to hoping she is okay. 

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