Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter Surprise

Oreo was sitting in the window meowing at something. I had no idea what. Ronnie was up moving around so I asked him to look. Apparently I have missed quite a few eggs lately. He asked where those 11 chicks came from. I said what are you talking about. I ran outside to look and sure enough, there was a hen with 11 baby chicks were walking behind her. I am now glad I did not buy anymore chickens recently. I have 11 baby chicks!! I knew I was missing a few chickens but could not figure out who I was missing. I did notice. Now I have 11 more chicks. This place is going to be over ran with chickens before long. I have no idea where she was laying eggs or where those hatched. She came from the front yard so probable under a bush in the front. I know she is going to have a hard time keeping up with all of those on her own so I’m afraid a few of them may not make it. I guess 11 chicks were my Easter surprise this year. I hope they all make it. 

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