Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Dog Update

Pepper is still having some trouble. Man, Daisy got her good. She is starting to get up on her own while she is outside. She still cannot get up while she is inside since she can’t get traction. She is going up and down the stairs on her own now. She is still limping on that back leg. I really don’t think her leg is broken. If I thought it was, I would take her to the vet. She is letting me touch her back leg that she won’t walk on and she is letting me to range of motion on it without trying to snap at me and no crying. She is finally starting to eat better. She is drinking more water. She is taking her meds for pain without a fight. We started her on antibiotics in case of infection in some wounds. We are taking every precaution we can for her. If she isn’t better soon, we may call the vet anyway. She is still separated from the others at this moment but she isn’t liking it anymore. 

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