Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Teaching Moments

There were so many teaching moments with my nephew while they were here. I was able to talk to him and my sister and brother-in-law about all kinds of different things. We talked about the pigs and their feed, Mattie and his teeth (my sister is obsessed with his teeth), eggs and how long it takes for them to lay an egg, the donkeys and what they do daily, the schedules, etc. There is so much to learn and so much to teach others about the ins and outs on a farm. We talked about how a lot of these animals found their way here which is sad with some of them. We discussed safety on the farm with the animals and the equipment. We discussed the cost of feed and the cost of keeping the farm running. We talked so much about the farm. It was good to be able to share info with those that are interested in it. 

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