Saturday, April 30, 2022

Friendly Reminder

This is heartbreaking to me. Red is beyond depressed without Pedro. Pedro is still having to be away from the others. He has still not healed enough to go back over with the others. Red is so depressed. The others are trying to keep him company but he continues to walk away from them. He is still hollering during the night over to Pedro and then Pedro does the same. I bet they do that because they cannot see each other in the dark. Guys, this is so miserable to them. When animals bond like this, it’s so hard on them to be separated. In this instance, it’s necessary since Pedro is injured. They will be back in the pasture together as soon as Pedro is healed enough. They are both so depressed. Now, as I’m saying this, I just wanted to give a friendly reminder that these animals do bond and it’s cruel to rehome and separate animals. This situation here now has shown me the depression they go through. It’s heartbreaking. Please don’t do this to your animals. At least these two can see each other and they know the other is still there. I cannot imagine what it would be like if they couldn’t. I’m hoping they can go back in the pasture together soon. 

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