Sunday, April 24, 2022

Uh Oh

I saw a chicken sitting in the goat pen. That went on two days so I decided to investigate. I thought maybe she had babies under her also. As I was investigating and praying I didn’t get my eyes gouged out, I used a small stake board to lift the hen up a bit. There were no babies, but she is a broody hen. She was sitting on 8 eggs. Oh no, we cannot have any more chickens running around. We already had babies and definitely did not need anymore. As it is, we cannot have any more roosters. We have too many already. If we get roosters out of the hatched chicks, we are going to have to sell them or give them away. I cannot keep them. Out of the last two clutches of eggs that have hatched and the ones that survived, we had 9 babies and 4 of them were roosters. We cannot have anymore of them for the safety of the hens. I did steal that hen’s eggs under her. And I have had to do that multiple times now. She is desperate to have chicks. I’m going to fight that fight. 

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