Sunday, April 24, 2022

Dog Fight

This hasn’t happened in about a year now that I think about it. It was a normal day. I let the dogs outside. I had no idea there was still food in a bowl outside. Pepper ran to get the food out of Bella’s bowl. Bella did not like that. She went to protect her food. Pepper attacked Bella. Daisy attacked Pepper since she attacked Bella. This was not a good fight. I was home alone. I just reacted. I was trying to pull Daisy off of Pepper but she was holding on. I tried to for what seemed like hours to get Daisy off of Pepper. I finally did. Pepper could not walk. She could not get up. And she was terrified. She was unable to do anything and Daisy kept trying to get to her. I was there alone so I somehow got Daisy by the collar and held her while getting Pepper up enough to get her out of there. It was not good. She couldn’t walk. I did get her up the stairs and back in the house. Poor thing. She had cuts on her ears which I cleaned. She has so much hair, that saved her from it being worse. She was able to go back outside later to do her business but she couldn’t up on her own. Let’s see how this plays out. 

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